I paint. I believe in painting. I collect visual experience of everyday life, from the journey and from places somewhere on the edge of passion. The need for the materialization of my ideas to canvas is the way. Matter of the heart. Authenticity. I use painting to anchor harmony in layers of acrylic, gestures, range of colors, and expressive imprint of the brush. In drawings, by contrast, I focus on detail and precision inline direction. I confess influence by tattoos and Asian traditional calligraphy in it. I studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, where I graduated in 2011. IV. studio led by Professor Ivan Csudai. Now I create in Czechia ● CV● ARTIST´S STATEMENT● STUDIO ● PURCHASING AN ARTWORK
TO BE IN THE SAME BOAT /MAMA GALLERY/ OSTRAVA/ since 14. 1. 2016_ Just like us when we were on a cruise and sea waves affecting our reality, as well as Hana Mikulenková´s panintings slowly pull us in and also take us to special world of which you have the same feeling as the sea waves. The author in her work continuously deals with ships and the sea symbols, which are in her work appearing in many layers.Sometimes the viewer sees them at the first sight, other times they are hidden in a wild abstraction. You can see their importance in color´s shades referring to the distant beaches and azure ocean tones. Hana Mikulenková has strong personal bond to sea, shipsand tropical islands. This is quiet unusual topic but for her its become an important source of inspiration and you can see elements of them present in almost every her work. She created own idealized world,throughthat she lets viewers enter to her paint ... continue reading
MAYBE I AM TOO MUCH, BUT FOR SURE YOU ARE MORE /HOUSE OF ARTS OPAVA/ 2016 The House of Art will introduce artworks of artist Hana Mikulenková. Her new series deals with lotos – his symbolism and visual form. She is very authentic in her work, because some of paintings was created during her two-month tour of Asia. Creating contrast. This is what you can see at the first sight. On one side, canvasesare very clear, bright and vital with almost impasto layers of bright colors of gestural painting. Colouring, light, fierceness, but also humility crosses Mikulenková´s work, the effect of intense colors expresses joy of presence and possibilities in many layers. On the other side, Mikulenková offers different approach with precise black and white line ink drawinginfluenced by ... continue reading
IT IS OPEN /ČIN ČIN GALLERY/ BRATISLAVA/ FROM 30.5.2017_ The exhibition at Čin Čin Gallery will present the work of two Czech authors - painter Hana Mikulenková and jeweler Radka Kovačiková. Both naturally form art, they are connected and filled with the joy of the process of creation. The combination of two different substances and two different approaches is not conceptually contrived. The authors are connected because of their approach to creation itself, regardless of art media. Joy, layering, perception of time, processuality, admiration for the growth of jungle or pea in a flowerpot behind the window, openness to the all incoming things with a clear horizon. Both of them accept the past and celebrate the presence. Now. creative process is important as the artwork itself. They let the time flow. The presence is layered and fixed into their artworks. "Now" means openness to them. Openness to new impulses, curios ... continue reading